
Independence Day safety discussed by City Council

The Costa Mesa City Council considered measures aimed at improving fireworks safety during a study session last Tuesday, reviewing a number of ideas on which the board is slated to vote sometime this month.

Councilwoman Wendy Leece, who had championed stronger protections to “celebrate American’s independence in a safer environment,” said she was pleased with the list of ideas considered by the board, and she hoped they would pass.

The list of 15 possible measures included the establishment of citizen fireworks patrols, a hotline to report the illegal use of fireworks, and even cash rewards leading to the arrest and conviction of illegal fireworks dealers. Whether all, some, or none of the new measures will be adopted will be decided by the council during a regular meeting.


“I think that these improvements I suggested won’t solve all of our problems, but our hope is that some of them — if approved by the rest of the City Council — will make our city safe on the Fourth of July,” Leece said. “That’s a priority for me: safety.”

— Chris Caesar
