

Following are in response to “SOUNDING OFF: Costa Mesa council preserves natural relaxants,” which ran Nov. 8 and dealt with maintaining the open space and “passivity” at Fairview Park.

“A typical liberal overreaction to reality. At no point was anyone else talking about paving over the park for sports-fields. The suggestion made was to add the proposed skate-park to the area that already has trains, parking and now a museum. Somehow you and a few others decided that meant the destruction of the park. Using less than 1% of the total park for the use of other citizens is somehow unfair to you. After all we can’t disturb the, oh wait, no wildlife inhabits that parking area.”


“While I agree that Fairview should remain as natural as possible, some honesty needs to be inserted into this debate. Many people spoke passionately against ‘ruining’ Fairview Park by doing something as unnatural as adding a dog park or skatepark to the eastside of the park. They spoke passionately of ‘preserving’ our great nature park. Yet they were speaking against amending the Fairview Park Master Plan, which calls for hundreds of parking spaces (concrete/asphalt) and a 10,000-square-foot structure!”


“Regarding Fairview vs. Lion’s: I don’t think the issue has to be one or the other, which is what the council decided when they discarded both. As is usually the case, our leaders frequently get the cart before the horse. The questions are: 1) Do we need another skate park? 2) What size do we need? 3) Where would it fit? If we “need” a skate park larger than Volcom, Fairview seems to be the only solution — on the east side of Placentia, near the trains. Maybe [Councilwoman Katrina] Foley’s suggestion would work, but it’s in that ‘sacred’ location on the west side of Placentia. Lion’s just doesn’t work for a larger facility. Then we go to plan B — a series of smaller ‘mini’ skate parks scattered around town until a hunk of land large enough for a bigger facility materializes.”

To read this story — and conversation — and others, go to
