

“The Legalities of Love” at the Huntington Beach Playhouse may be a world premiere, but it feels as comfortable as an old shoe you’ve worn hundreds of times before.

Jeffrey Krueger’s light, bouncy comedy, in which the playwright himself plays the central character, is “old” in its sense of style and storytelling, but brand new in its characterization of seven diverse individuals, most of them living under the same roof.

As directed by Amy Glinskas, “Legalities” encounters a misstep or two in its execution, but generally offers a lightweight and lighthearted evening of entertainment. Although squabbling becomes an art form with this bunch, there’s nary a villain in sight.


The play is about making connections in life — or failing to, despite obvious attractions. Primarily, it focuses on a pair of legal eagles, one a lawyer, the other about to become one. But just about any profession would do for Krueger’s comedic purposes.

It all unfolds in a home owned by Krueger’s character (who seems to have little means of gainful employment) and shared by his mother and sister, as well as an attractive young tenant, the almost-lawyer. Krueger invites the “friend of a friend” to stay there as well while he’s hanging out his shingle.

Playwright Krueger, as the genial but sarcastic host, is, quite understandably, the most relaxed actor of the cast in his self-created character. He ignites potentially incendiary situations and diffuses them with ease, almost always with a bag of munchies in hand.

The romantic antagonists — Carol Michelle Grisham as the law student and Michael J. Keeney as the semi-experienced barrister — are great fun to watch as they launch zingers at one another while fighting their mutual attractions. The circuitous plot that brings them together may be stretched a bit thin, but the actors handle it with alacrity.

Lina Main swipes most of her scenes as Krueger’s abrasive little sister, zeroing in on Grisham’s blind date (a shy Lito Cabra) and generally roiling the household’s peaceful waters.

Leslie Joyce completes the cast nicely as Krueger’s widowed mother, who still has a few miles left on her romantic odometer.

Larry Shaughnessy’s spacious setting, co-designed by the director, provides a splendid arena for the quirky comedy. Dallas Lucero’s lighting and Stephen Sands sound design further amplify the pleasant effect.

It’s usually a treat to encounter a play for the first time, and the Huntington Beach Playhouse has an excellent track record in that regard.

“The Legalities of Love” may not push any envelopes, but it elicits laughter, which is its primary mission.


WHAT: “The Legalities of Love”

WHO: Huntington Beach Playhouse

WHERE: Library Theater, 7111 Talbert Ave., Huntington Beach

WHEN: Thursdays and Fridays at 8 p.m.; Saturdays at 3 and 8; Sundays at 2 and 7 through Nov. 18

COST: $18 - $20

CALL: (714) 375-0696

TOM TITUS reviews local theater for the Independent.
