
Tabu expansion on Council docket

Tiny Tabu Grill at 2892 S. Coast Highway near Nyes Place wants to expand, but a neighbor is opposed and will ask the City Council on Sept. 18 to take the expansion off the table.

Bonnie Elder has appealed the Planning Commission’s approval of the restaurant’s proposal to convert an adjacent 494-square-foot retail space to food service, expand beer and wine service and to add a joint use, off-site parking space to two already approved, but not required off-site space to meet the minimum standard for the intensified use.

Elder claims the expansion should be denied because of the adverse effects on neighbors, including the noise and smell from the exhaust hood and the noise of patrons’ leaving the restaurant as well as driving up and down Terry Road looking for a parking space.


Parking and noise were the primary objections from neighbors who spoke at the three Planning Commission meetings on the project. A request by the applicant for parking credits was withdraw because of neighborhood concerns.

Commissioners Norm Grossman and Rob Zur Schmiede opposed the project citing the exacerbation of parking deficits.

The appeal is number 22 on the council agenda. For more information, visit web site
