
MAILBAG: Separate different types of traffic at Triangle Square

It is great to see that Triangle Square’s new owners are taking the initiative to make the property more successful. Now that the Triangle Square improvement proposal is on the table, it is appropriate to assure the public that this project has been discussed with the staffs of both the city traffic and planning departments. The property owners also discussed their ideas with members of the City Council and solicited our input.

It would seem clear that undergrounding the 55 Freeway through-traffic will help our businesses and reduce traffic congestion.

Taking those who are simply going from point A to point B out of the mix of Newport Boulevard traffic will make it easier for those who wish to patronize area businesses to get there. I cannot count the number of folks who have said, “I avoid Newport Boulevard at all costs.”


I also hear folks comment about hating to cross Newport Boulevard as well. Let’s get those 55 Freeway users who are only interested in going to work, or getting home to feed Scruffy, out of our downtown traffic. In addition to freeing up our downtown, these drivers will also enjoy not having to stop at half a dozen signals on their way to and from the freeway.

According to discussions with the T-Square owners, their plan is to shift toward local, rather than destination retail. This means they will draw customers from the general vicinity. Along these lines, I implored them to consider at least one foot bridge over to the east side. Yes, bridges are costly, but building one here would be a great addition, and could have “Welcome to Costa Mesa” emblazoned on it.

According to the concept drawings, the housing and commercial elements of the project will be separate and distinct areas of the same building. By design, the residential areas will be isolated from the retail areas. The condos will feature their own open space and pool area and also will have dedicated separate parking areas. It is no secret that this type of living environment appeals primarily to young professionals, and empty-nesters, with the small handful of street level live/work spaces appealing to entrepreneurial types.

Replacing eight theaters and a number of shops with 120 condos (if approved) could net a significant reduction in daily trips, thereby reducing traffic impacts. During discussions on the project, I also made it clear that I would not support any increase in traffic over what was allowed in the original Triangle Square project entitlements.

Comparisons between the Triangle Square improvement project and “1901 Newport” are apples and oranges. T-square’s proposed improvements will probably decrease traffic, while all of the trips generated by the 147 condos at “1901 Newport” are in addition to 1901’s original entitlements and will definitely increase traffic.

I am hopeful that the Triangle Square proposal will make its way through the process with tweaks as necessary, and will eventually become the basis for a new and improved Triangle Square.


Costa Mesa City Council


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