
THAT’S DEBATABLE:Grant changes help

After the city changed the way it allocates annual federal grants, most organizations were pleased with the process this year, but there were still some complaints. Were you happy with the changes, and do you see any ways the process can be improved next year?

There are always different ways to do things, but sometimes no matter what you do someone is not going to be happy with the results. We asked the 3R committee to come up with an improved process, and they did. They were given a difficult task but did a great job in making difficult decisions. Applicants were encouraged to meet with 3R committee members in the future to address some of their concerns and I think this will help the process in the future.


Costa Mesa mayor

I believe the program has been made more equitable, and much easier to comply with.

Most applicants, the 3R subcommittee, staff and the council all had positive comments on the improve- ments to the process. I am pleased with the improvements and do not feel there is any need for further tinkering at this point.



Costa Mesa councilman

Did not respond.


Costa Mesa councilwoman

For an organization to receive federal tax dollars from a Community Development Block Grant, it must present an excellent proposal and be above reproach in all aspects. Taxpayers expect to get the most bang for their tax bucks. It’s better to be rigorous in examining applicants on the front end.

If we fund the money and the program, and finance auditors don’t see measurable results, then we as elected officials will be in trouble with the federal government.

The current review process by the 3R committee requires all grant applicants to show how their programs achieve goals. This funding is only a small portion of the budgets for these non-profit organizations. The process works very well. Organizations that didn’t apply or didn’t receive funding this year can try again next year.


Costa Mesa councilwoman

I applaud the new 3R Committee for its due diligence and fair application process. The new process is fair, equitable, accountable to the taxpayers and ensures that the money for those in need is used to serve them well. If I had to change anything, it would be to further involve the 3R Committee members and allow them to make the presentation that gives the City Council and community a snapshot of each organization, and the program they seek funds to provide.


Costa Mesa councilwoman
