
Finding harmony through choir

At a time when music programs in schools throughout the nation began to flounder, Lori Loftus of Newport Beach found a way to keep the voices of Southern California’s children booming.

Ten years ago, Loftus founded the Southern California Children’s Choir, a nonprofit organization dedicated to impacting children’s lives through music education and performance.

“That was a time when music was starting to disappear from schools because of a lack of funding, and I was very excited and passionate about using music as a platform to reach kids, so I founded the choir,” she said.


Today, the chorus consists of seven choirs — ensemble, concert, advanced, intermediate, apprentice, primary and kinder — for a total of about 340 members, ages 5 to 22. Various members have presented hundreds of concerts around the world, performing in venues such as the Sydney Opera House, Westminster Abbey and Carnegie Hall.

Joining the choir just in time to make the trip to Australia four years ago, Orange Coast College student Brian Engmann sings tenor and bass for the ensemble choir, which was created for members who did not want to leave the chorus upon reaching adulthood.

“The chorus is a great place to find yourself, to find your voice and to grow,” said Engmann, 21, who aspires to be a professional singer or choral instructor. “I’ve grown leaps and bounds within this choir, and you’re not going to be able to make it in the singing world unless you have that background.”

After eight years in the chorus, 21-year-old Rita Blaik of Costa Mesa continues to look forward to the Tuesday night rehearsals at OCC and, like Engmann, sings Loftus’ praises as a passionate and inspiring instructor.

“As an engineering major [at UC Irvine], it’s so nice to have something that has nothing to do with science, even though it still takes a lot of hard work,” she said. “It’s something I really love, and to have such a talented director is truly amazing.”

In addition to singing skills, the choir helps children of all ages and backgrounds work together and form lasting relationships, Loftus said, adding that no matter where they perform or with whom they sing, the greatest reward is guiding the children as they achieve their goals.

“When the concerts are over and I hold that last note and look at their faces, there is nothing that is more precious or priceless than knowing that they know they gave it their best and they did it well,” she said.

Commemorating its 10-year anniversary, the entire chorus will present its annual Spring Concert on Saturday at Calvary Church in Santa Ana. Also, select children will perform with the Pacific Symphony for the presentation of “Carmina Burana” at the Orange County Performing Arts Center on June 7 through 9.

  • JESSIE BRUNNER may be reached at (714) 966-4632 or at [email protected].
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