

Seniors to meet, hold focus group on center

Laguna Beach Seniors, Inc. is holding a membership meeting Monday from 12:30 to 2 p.m. at the Veterans Memorial Com- munity Center, 384 Legion St.

The seniors will hold their first community focus group, called “Dream Big for the New Susie Q.”

The group will give interested parties their first chance to share ideas and to help shape the senior/community center, scheduled to open in early 2009.


Refreshments will be served and a special opportunity drawing for two tickets to the Pageant of the Masters on July 5 will be held. To reserve a seat, call (949) 497-2441.

Summer enrollment on at Emeritus

The City of Laguna Beach and the Emeritus Institute of Irvine Valley College is taking enrollment for summer classes that are scheduled to begin the week of May 21.

Classes include: Beginning Sketching; Beginning Watercolor; Nutrition/Cooking for One or Two; Aquatic Fitness; Stretching and Strengthening; Yoga and Tai Chi QiQong. For more information, call (949) 464-9535.

Health care counseling available

Laguna Beach Seniors, Inc., in collaboration with the Council on Aging Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program, will provide trained volunteers for advising and providing information on Medicare, HMO Appeals, long-term care and supplemental insurance on the first and third Monday of the month from 9 to 11 a.m.

For an appointment, call (949) 497-2441.
