
CITYSCAPE ROUNDUP:Massive street project starts

Construction of the largest-ever street resurfacing project in the city is now under way and may be expected to disrupt traffic in various parts of the city through June.

The $4.5 million project will place more than 20,000 tons of asphalt on neighborhood streets and alleys below Summit Drive and the Diamond/Crestview area between Cress Street and Nyes Place.

The following streets and alleys will be resurfaced:

All public streets and alleys west of So. Coast Highway between Sleepy Hollow Lane and Nyes Place; Catalina Street south of Cress Street; Glenneyre Street south of Bluebird Canyon Drive; Mountain Road; Calliope Street; Shadow Lane; Randall Way; Carmelita Street; Santa Cruz Street; Temple Terrace south of Cress Street; Bluebird Canyon Drive west of Summit Drive; Galen Drive; Palmer Place; Agate Street; Flora Street; Pearl Street; Center Street; Diamond Street west of the 500 block; Ruby Street; Osgood Court; Radcliff Court; Moss Street; Fern Street; Arch Street; Upland Road; the alley between Agate Street and Flora Street; and the alleys on either side of Glenneyre Street between Cress Street and Calliope Street.


Current stages of work involve alley reconstruction, localized repairs of badly broken pavement and concrete drainage improvements. This will continue throughout April.

The next phase, which will occur in May and early June, will involve grinding off a layer of the existing pavement and replacing it with a new layer of asphalt. Minor cleanup work will continue through June.

Parking restrictions, traffic delays and occasional street and alley closures can be expected.

Traffic interruptions on South Coast Highway through the project limits are expected to be minimal. For up-to-date project information regarding street closures and project progress, call (949) 497-0711.

One of historic cottages moved to Fullerton

One of the four historic Third Street cottages that had been moved temporarily to the Big Bend area on Laguna Canyon Road completed its journey to Fullerton on April 5, City Manager Ken Frank announced April 6.

The house was moved to the Fullerton location by the same moving company that handled the move from Third Street to Big Bend, Frank said.

City staff will soon notify those who have expressed an interest in the historic houses about the process to get approval to move the houses to a permanent location within Laguna Beach, Frank added.

Islam and women the topic at Woman’s Club

The Woman’s Club of Laguna Beach is hosting a special program on “Islam and the Role of Women in Muslim Society” at 7 p.m. April 26.

The community is invited to attend. The intent of the program is to be informative and promote understanding.

Maria Khani will present the program. Khani is a former teacher from the Orange Crescent School (pre-kindergarten through 8th grade) which is affiliated with the Islamic Center of Orange County, located in Garden Grove. This Islamic Center serves one of the largest Islamic communities in the Western hemisphere.

Also participating in the program will be several other members of the Islamic community, including the principal of the school, a teenager and a young adult. Following the presentation, there will be the time for questions.

Students involved in the Laguna Beach High School Model United Nations Program will attend this presentation and will submitting their questions in advance.

All are invited to this free program, both men and women. The program will be held at the Woman’s Club of Laguna Beach, 286 St. Ann’s Drive, Laguna Beach. For more information, call (949) 497-7856.

Woman’s spiritual discussion group to meet

The Woman’s Club of Laguna Beach will hold a Monthly Women’s Spiritual Discussion Group from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 19, at the Clubhouse, 286 St. Ann’s Drive.

The group will begin with a Sound Meditation facilitated by Rev. Karen Polek followed by open discussion. Donations toward the upkeep of the Clubhouse will be welcomed.

For more information, contact Karen at (949) 295-6023.

Turnabout Shop site of spring garage sale

The Laguna Beach Assistance League is planning a garage sale behind its Turnabout Thrift Shop as a “Spring Fling” event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, April 20; and 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 21.

Furniture items too large to be managed in the shop will be featured, including chairs, lamps, tables, and mirrors.

The shop is located at 526 Glenneyre St., Laguna Beach. Donations are welcome. For more information, call (949) 494-5977

Commission seats on arts, planning panels

The City Council of the City of Laguna Beach is accepting applications for five open seats on the Arts Commission and two open seats on the Planning Commission.

The Arts Commission is a seven-member commission appointed by the City Council. Four of the seven must be actively participating in the arts. The commissioners serve a two-year term and are compensated in the amount of $70 per month.

Arts Commission meetings are held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 5:30 p.m.

The Arts Commission acts in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to the artistic aspects of the City. One of the major projects of the Commission is the City’s Art in Public Places Program.

The Planning Commission is a five-member body appointed by the City Council for the purpose of reviewing and advising the Council on items related to the development and modification of land uses within the City limits.

The commission reviews and recommends action on the development and amendment of the general plan, zoning ordinances, subdivision regulations and special projects related to land use planning.

Planning Commissioners serve a two-year term and are compensated in the amount of $110 per month. The regular meetings of the Commission are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m.

Laguna Beach residents who are interested in applying to either commission must submit an application, which is available at the City Clerk’s office at City Hall, 505 Forest Ave., Laguna Beach, or on the City’s website at

Applications must be filed with the City Clerk by 5 p.m. May 8. All applicants will be interviewed by the City Council at their regular meeting, 6 p.m. May 15.

Athens has Aliso Creek plan website

The Athens Group has launched an updated website about the proposed Aliso Creek Area Redevelopment Plan.

The website provides information about the plan that was previewed at a public meeting on April 4.

The City of Laguna Beach is responsible for processing the plan.

The city process is anticipated to take 24 to 36 months and will offer many opportunities for public comment.

The Athens Group is responsible for managing the planning, design and application for approvals and construction of the Aliso Creek Area Redevelopment Plan.

Visit the website, or call the information line, (949) 499-9598 for more information.
