

Seniors meeting on elder rights

Laguna Beach Seniors, Inc. will present the Council on Aging “” Orange County “Tips on Quality of Life and Elder Rights” at its monthly membership meeting, 12:30-2 p.m. April 9 at the Veterans Memorial Building, 384 Legion St.

Laguna Beach residents, as well as their families and friends, are invited to hear this free presentation on the rights, dignity and quality of life for older and disabled adults.

Handouts will be provided.

For reservations, call the Seniors office at (949) 497-2441.

To have lunch in the Laguna Beach Seniors dining room at 11:30 a.m., state this when registering.


Lunches are available for a suggested donation of $3.50 for those 60 years and older and $5 for those under 60.

Also, there will be a special presentation by the Assistance League of Laguna Beach.

For more information about the Council on Aging’s programs and services, visit

Spring Fling with

the Assisteens

The Assisteens of Laguna Beach, in collaboration with Laguna Beach Senior Services, will be hosting their annual Spring Fling on Sunday, May 6 from 5-8 p.m. at the Laguna Beach Senior Center, 384 Legion Street.

Snacks, drinks and dinner will be provided along with an array of music from the ‘50s, ‘60s, ‘70s and more.

A couples/groups keepsake photography station will be available. The event is free. Space is limited and signups may be made by calling (949) 497-2441.
