
KIDS TALK BACK:Getting physical

The Huntington Beach Independent asked Jessica Haag’s fourth-grade Gate class what they enjoyed about the hands-on learning of building their own catapult for a school assignment.

“Mistakes help us to do better. It helps us learn more about wood work and engineers. You have to make everything precise.”

Gwen Seymour, 10Huntington Beach

“I like figuring it out ourselves, but I kind of like some guidance along the way.”

Jacki Schiffner, 10Huntington Beach

“We have to figure out how to go further. We get to do it instead of just reading about it.”


Nitesh Mainaly, 9Huntington Beach

“It expands our education a little more because it teaches us how to make stuff when we’re adults.

Justin Berger, 9Huntington Beach

“You get to learn about things you never heard of and play with people in your class — be loud and still learn.”

Olivia Russ, 10Huntington Beach
