
THE CROWD:For fundraising, it has to be Chanel

The very chic Chanel Boutique at South Coast Plaza opened its doors this week in Costa Mesa to host a private underwriting party for Angelitos de Oro.

The small but powerful organization of women is one of the longest-running charitable groups in Orange County. Their mission is to raise funds in support of Big Brothers Big Sisters.

An impressive $60,000 in underwriting was raised from some 75 dedicated Angelitos supporters at the Chanel reception, which was a kick-off party to announce the sale of the 2006 Angelitos Shopping Card at South Coast Plaza.


As guests arrived, they were greeted with sunset cocktails and Chanel models showing off the latest trends for the cruise and spring fashion lines.

Event co-chairwoman Jayne Lally generously thanked Chanel manager Kathy Snodgrass for its support. For the past six years, Angelitos de Oro has partnered with South Coast Plaza at holiday time, offering the public the chance to purchase what is known as the Angelitos Card.

The public is invited to purchase the holiday card for a $50 donation, which benefits the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Orange County. The holder of the card is entitled to discounts at more than 100 stores at South Coast Plaza, offering a 20% savings on regularly priced merchandise for the holidays.

The Angelitos Card has been a major source of fundraising for Big Brothers Big Sisters and last year alone benefited 2,100 holiday shoppers.

More than $188,000 went to assist youth in Orange County as a result of the 2005 card sales. Chairs Jayne Lally and Kate Eastman — who were busy welcoming the crowd to their in-store event at Chanel — are hopeful that the 2006 Angelitos Card will top the 2005 record-breaking season.

Supporting Angelitos and enjoying the Chanel experience were Newport Beach social doyennes Catherine Thyen, Barbara Glabman, Cecilia Nott, Elaine Weinberg, Kitty Schuler, Mary Rabbitt and Sharon Henwood.

Also in the crowd were Susan Anderson, Sandy Perlmutter, Jeanette Readinger, Toni Berlinger, Bonnie McClellan, Patti Estabrooks and Jennifer Taylor.

To purchase the 2006 Angelitos Card, call (949) 642-9883. For more information, go to

  • THE CROWD runs Thursdays and Saturdays.
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