

In the face of political opposition, Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor has taken the unpopular stand on fighting illegal immigration. He has been accused of racial discrimination and having a cowboy mentality. That may be true: Being a cowboy to me means having grit and has nothing to do with racism. As to racism, I think that is bologna. I buy the grit part, and that is what this country needs more. Another council candidate, Wendy Leece, has also adopted the same philosophy, and I give her credit for that also.

As a member of four veterans organizations and chairman of two, I can say that I have never ever heard a disagreement with Mansoor’s philosophy of following the law. To a man, veterans agree on one thing: Stop the immigration of illegals now. The lion’s share of Americans want secure borders, enforced immigration laws and America for Americans. This applies to all ethnic groups.

Many veterans reacted to the sight of a Mexican flag being flown over our own American flag, which was being flown upside down. Visual signs of protest by illegal immigrants demanding rights that even the families of combat veterans fighting overseas don’t have. Millions and millions of dollars are being spent on food and medical relief for illegals, while Navy and Marine Corps relief organizations have to seek private funds for food and clothing for the wives and children of servicemen overseas. Something is surely out of balance.


Of course, there are countless problems that will continue to exist, but let’s stop the flow and right the ship before we try to bail it out.

The problem did not just happen. It has gone on too long without being addressed. The opposition to Mansoor’s philosophy is to return to reason. It is the “reason” that has got us where we are now. The let’s-not-rile-the-waters syndrome of some politicians has helped us to get here. It is tough to be tough. It’s time to do it. In a way, this philosophy reminds me of the Neville Chamberlain syndrome: peace in our time.

As a former police officer in Costa Mesa, a planning commissioner, a City Council member and a mayor, I feel it is time for all of us who feel the same way to speak out and be heard. I just did!


Costa Mesa
