
THE MORAL OF THE STORY:Be grateful, and enjoy life one day at a time

“Life itself, every bit of health that we enjoy, every hour of liberty and free enjoyment, the ability to speak, to think and to imagine -- all this comes from the hand of God. We show our gratitude by giving back to Him a part of that which He has given to us.”

? Billy Graham

“C indy, thank you for including the entire Serenity Prayer last week,” a friend said. “I only knew the first part and always liked what it said, but I thought that was all there was. I’m glad there is more and I loved reading the rest of it. I really needed to read the part about living one day at a time and enjoying one moment at a time. I think I’ve been trying to live way too much in the future.”

I asked her to tell me what was going on with her. “I guess I’m always thinking about how things will be easier as soon as my kids are at different stages, but then I realize that already it seems like they are growing too fast,” she said, “It just dawned on me that my baby isn’t really a baby any more at all, I mean he’s almost walking already, and some things were actually easier when he was a baby. I don’t think I’m making any sense at all, I’m sorry.”


I told her that she was making perfect sense to me, and would to any mother who remembers what it was like to have little ones. It is a wonderfully exciting and exhausting time. “That’s why I loved reading the part in the prayer that talks about enjoying the moments, because I keep wanting to rush through them thinking it’s just about to get better or easier, but I think I’m missing things in the meantime,” she said.

“You are a wise mother to understand that already,” I explained. “The thing is, you won’t get these moments back, and each stage is unique. Some clearly are more challenging, but I think we miss out on the joys and gifts of the present if we are too focused on the future. Something that has helped me at different stages in my life is to specifically list all the things I can think of that I’m thankful for that go along with that stage. Sometimes, the more you start to name, the more you think of.”

My friend smiled, then laughed and said, “I can be thankful for the fact that I don’t have to worry about keeping up with clothing styles, because I’m hardly ever out of the house, and my children don’t care! All kidding aside, I agree, that if I change my focus to being thankful for the special moments I have, especially the great moments of hugs and baby smiles, and enjoy life one day at a time, my thankfulness will grow and multiply.”

I told her that she would never regret making the most of and seeing the best in her particular stage of life. I also told her that all of us would benefit from that same positive and thankful attitude. Life comes from God’s hand; our grateful response comes from our heart.

And you can quote me on that.
