

My one year old Haas avocado has dropped its leaves and appears to be going to seed. What’s wrong?


Costa Mesa

Without seeing the whole plant and asking several more questions, I can only speculate about what is going on. Nevertheless, there is a strong possibility that your young avocado has a root disease called Phytophthora cinnamomi, often referred to simply as root rot. Avocados need a mineral based soil that is incredibly open, porous and well-drained. A proper planting site and proper planting techniques are critical to success with an avocado tree.

The other possibility is sunburn. Young avocado trees have very few leaves and their green stems will burn quite easily in the summer sun. Eventually, when the tree becomes larger it will develop enough of a canopy to shade its tender branches.


You will probably need to stop by a nursery and discuss your tree and its symptoms in more detail with a knowledgeable horticulturist.

? Ron Vanderhoff, the Coastal Gardener
