

1. Last weekend saw the first big what of summer?

A. Crowds lining Balboa Boulevard in search of all-too-precious parking

B. Big surf, especially at the Wedge

C. Crowds sleeping out at Big Newport for days for the first blockbuster movie of the year

D. Rip tides, forcing hundreds of extra rescues

2. Newport Harbor High School’s sailing team placed second at which competition this month?

A. Interscholastic Sailing Assn. National Championship Mallory Cup Regatta

B. The Intra-California Sailing Assn. West Coast Challenge

C. The Balboa Harbor Youth Race

D. The Newport Invitational and Regatta

3. Some Costa Mesa officials are backing a five-year plan, which they say will get rid of gangs in the city, that includes which of the following additions to the Police Department’s enforcement and intervention?

A. Adding a full-time probation officer

B. Creating a “tagging wall” where graffiti is allowed

C. Deporting all known gang members to Newport Beach

D. Housing young gang members in City Hall

4. Which of the following is one of two final sites where a new Newport Beach city hall may end up?


A. Newport Coast, next to the community center

B. Coast Highway in West Newport near Cappy’s Restaurant

C. Corporate Plaza West on Newport Center Drive

D. Newport Technology Center near Hoag Hospital

5. Where is the sole early voting site for the June 6 primary in Newport-Mesa?

A. The Newport-Mesa Unified School District headquarters

B. Costa Mesa City Hall

C. Newport Beach City Hall

D. John Wayne Airport, in its passenger-only area

6. What was delivered, via a 240-ton crane, to 33rd Street in Newport Beach this week?

A. A huge birthday cake to celebrate the city’s centennial

B. A prefab house worth about $200,000

C. A sculpture that eventually will end up in front of City Hall

D. A small pier where fishermen will be able to smoke

7. High school students gathered Tuesday night at the Costa Mesa Neighborhood Community Center to discuss which issue?

A. Legalization of drugs

B. Immigration reform

C. The need for a high school exit exam

D. The city’s November City Council election

8. An unusually dry year helped Newport Beach score well on an annual water quality report released this week. How many Newport beaches earned a grade of A during dry weather?

A. 20 of 23

B. 26 of 28

C. 31 of 32

D. 41 of 43

9. In response to criticism, Newport Beach City Councilman Keith Curry announced what at Tuesday’s council meeting?

A. That he was hiring an assistant

B. That he has asked the city not to hire his employer, Public Financial Management, to invest city money

C. That he would hold a public meeting with voters

D. That he would not take any campaign donations during the fall election

10. Newport Beach Assemblyman Chuck DeVore boycotted the speech of which political figure this week?

A. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger

B. President Vicente Fox of Mexico

C. New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton

D. Orange County Rep. Loretta Sanchez

ANSWERS: 1: B; 2: A; 3: A; 4: C; 5: D; 6: B; 7: B; 8: C; 9: B; 10: Bdpt.27-newsquiz-BPhotoInfoER1RD5NS20060527izj5kyncMARK DUSTIN / DAILY PILOT(LA)Dustin Walker of Anaheim Hills rides a wave at the Wedge last week.
