
The timing of Poseidon vote

What’s an extra few weeks? In the case of the coming City Council discussion about the proposed Poseidon desalination plant, a few weeks equals a whole lot of community good will -- and a simple case of a political decision-making done right.

By agreeing last week to stick with a Jan. 9 hearing on the controversial proposal to build a $250-million desalination plant behind the AES power plant, the council gave the proper priority to this critically important decision.

It obviously is not one that should be made in haste or at a time, such as during the holidays, when members of the community might be inclined to stay away from the meeting. Community participation and input is crucial if the council’s decision on Poseidon is to have any credibility.


That said, there also is no reason to lambaste Councilman Keith Bohr for suggesting the council decide the issue on Dec. 19.

It is understandable that he, and others, would want to get the discussion, and decision, finished. (Or, at the very least, move the process on to the next step, since it is difficult to believe that the council’s decision -- whichever way it goes -- will be the end of the debate.)

Already, the hearing on the plant’s conditional-use permit has been delayed several times since September. Understandably, the longer the delay, the more time there is for community divisions to grow. And it remains possible that the hearing will be delayed past the Jan. 9 date because Councilwoman Cathy Green likely will be doing relief work with the Red Cross on the Gulf Coast.

At some point, of course, a decision has to be made. Dec. 19 was not the time, but if it is at all possible, Jan. 9 should be the day.

The holidays will have passed, and everyone who is interested in the plant will be able to prepare for the lengthy, emotional and detailed debate that is sure to come.

No amount of time will change that.
