
The many reasons to keep the world clean

The Coastline Pilot went to Top of the World Elementary School and asked Susan Dick’s fifth-grade class, “Why is it important to help the environment?”

“If we don’t, we’ll end up with a dirty ecosystem and it won’t be pleasant for animals or us.”

Toby Brachmann, 10, Laguna Beach “If we don’t, it will get dirtier and dirtier and we won’t be able to play and surf.”


Owen Weber, 11, Laguna Beach “All the trash will get into our plants and it will be hard to breathe.”

Amanda Kimball, 11, Laguna Beach “If we don’t start now, by the time our kids grow up they won’t be able to play in the water.”

Leandra Jackson, 11, Aliso Viejo

“We’re mostly made of water. If we pollute the water, it will make it harder for us to live.”

Karina Reiss, 9, Laguna Beach20051125iqfegskn(LA)20051125iqfeglkn(LA)20051125iqfeg6kn(LA)20051125iqfehikn(LA)20051125iqfeh8kn(LA)
