
Why it’s called a ‘play’

The Daily Pilot visited students in Pauline Maranian’s production drama class and asked, “What’s the most fun part of producing a play?”

“Hanging out offstage waiting for your cues.”

Jaye Hellmich, 16, Costa Mesa

“My favorite part is running lines with Nick.”

Lawrence Thunell, 16, Costa Mesa

“The best part of the show is toward the end -- all the work that goes into the final product.”

Nick Juarez, 17, Costa Mesa

“Probably the middle of the first show. Through rehearsals we get at each other’s throats, then we get back to the cast party and our bond is 100% stronger.”


Muriel Mason, 17, Costa Mesa

“Hanging out with 30 of my best friends all the time.”

Danielle Palmer, 17, Costa Mesa20051122iqc5lwkn(LA)20051122iqc5kukn(LA)20051122iqc5k1kn(LA)20051122iqc5jjkn(LA)20051122iqc5mkkn(LA)
