
City to present design for senior center

The City of Laguna Beach will hold a workshop to present plans for a new Community/ Senior Center at 9 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 19 in the City Council chambers, 505 Forest Ave. The proposed center, on Third Street downtown, will be a 20,000-square-foot facility for senior activities and recreation programs.

The architects for the project, LPA, will make a presentation showing the location, design and planned uses of the building and parking area. This workshop is open to the public and will be an opportunity to ask questions about the proposed project.

Questions about the workshop may be directed to Pat Barry, director of community services, at 497-0352.


TideWater Docents add second class

Due to unexpected interest and overwhelming public response, the TideWater Docent Program has announced a second new docent training class on Tuesday evening, Nov. 29, at the Ocean Institute in Dana Point.

“Twice as many people as expected signed up for the new docent training class in October,” said Mia Davidson, TideWater docent coordinator. “We don’t know if it is because of the resignation of Matt Brown, Laguna’s marine protection officer, or if it is because the public is starting to realize that Laguna’s near-shore environment is imperiled.”

The fall and spring are when extreme variations of the tide are widest and the tide pools most vulnerable. Recently, the tide at the pools below Heisler Park was so low that people could walk to Bird Rock, which in the summer is normally separated from the shore by water.

Docent Candice Burroughs said that she had to stop several people from walking over to Bird Rock by explaining to them that the seaweed was hiding hoards of animals that were being damaged by their footsteps.

“When I was able to show one couple a little octopus nestled in a crevice right by their feet, they were both thrilled and shocked because, although they were being careful where they stepped, they had no idea that the animal was there due to its camouflage,” she said.

The TideWater Docent Program was the first program offered by the Ocean Laguna Foundation. To date, over 120 volunteers have been trained as docents.

For more information, contact Davidson at (949) 497-8807 or tidewaterdo

[email protected].

Crystal Cove cottage tour is slated

A tour of the Crystal Cove historic cottages will be featured at the Friends of the Newport Coast annual meeting, 10: 30 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 19. The public is invited. For free parking, from Coast Highway turn toward the ocean at the “Los Trancos/Crystal Cove” traffic light and follow the signs.

In addition to the tour, Ken Kramer, state park ranger, will present an update on Crystal Cove State Park, including the El Morro Trailer Park, and the cottages. Information: Dale Ghere, (949) 494-1496.

Thanksgiving Day in the park

As they have done for 20 years now, many Laguna Beach residents will celebrate Thanksgiving Day with a potluck dinner in Bluebird Park. People share the spirit of the day by sharing with others, especially those who have no place to go.

Everyone is welcome, whether they bring a dish or not, and the Resource Center and the Crosscultural Council will provide tables and chairs, plates, cups and silverware. The meal begins promptly at noon, but those who wish to help set up should arrive by 11 a.m. If bringing a turkey, call (949) 497-2239. For other questions, call (949) 497-3936.

Scouts collecting winter coats

With cold weather approaching, the Girl Scouts of Laguna Beach want all of those in need to have a warm coat. The Scouts will be collecting coats and jackets all month in their neighborhoods for the second annual One Warm Coat community service project.

Clean coats for men, women and children are needed. One Warm Coat is dedicated to distributing reusable coats, free, directly to local children and adults. This year the coats will be donated to the Laguna Beach Relief and Resource Center and the Saddleback Community Outreach.

The collection of coats will culminate at the Hospitality Night, Friday, Dec. 2. Coats and jackets may be brought from 5 to 7 p.m. to the collection table located at the Laguna Beach Presbyterian Church patio, across from Tankersley Hall.
