
Pilot stories offer bits of hope Two...

Pilot stories offer bits of hope

Two recent meetings give hope there is local engagement in

uplifting thought: Thursday’s articles on inclusive Christianity

(“Breaking bread,” The Bell Curve) and reconciling faith (“Advocate

and mother,” about Linda Biehl) were most welcome.

Thank you.


Costa Mesa

Council should not limit its own time

Just in case you missed it, during the Costa Mesa City Council

meeting on Tuesday, Mayor Allan Mansoor floated a suggestion to even

more severely limit opposing viewpoints on the dais.

In response to Councilwoman Linda Dixon’s inquiry about rotating

the order in which council members speak during the council member

comments part of the meeting, Mansoor agreed that it was a good idea.

He then slid into the mix a suggestion to limit those comments to

three minutes each.

This is a truly bad idea. It’s bad enough that the male majority

tends to ignore comments and opinions of the two women members -- the

highest vote getters in the last election -- but to put an arbitrary

time limit on their opportunity to speak to issues important to them

and their constituents as they go about doing the city’s business is


Of course, no one should be surprised by Mansoor’s suggestion.

Since the election, the Mansoor-led majority has continually moved to

stifle opposing debate of contentious issues.

In fact, during the meeting on Tuesday, Mansoor ignored

Councilwoman Katrina Foley’s request to speak on an issue before a

motion was made, even though she was quite insistent. He just blew

her off and made his motion.

Not only was that rude, but it is unacceptable behavior by anyone

conducting the council meeting. Every council member deserves the

right to be heard on any issue before a motion is made on it.

This heavy-handed disregard for decorum and the will of the people

is a perfect example why the voters of this city should think

carefully before casting a vote for Mansoor should he decide to run

again in 2006.


Costa Mesa

Gilchrist best candidate for Congress

Jim Gilchrist is the strongest candidate for Congress. I am not

going to let my vote go to another candidate who says one thing but

does another or nothing. The career politicians’ records show that

they are soft on crime and that they support public benefits for

lawbreakers. These candidates have even voted for taxpayers to pay

in-state school tuitions for illegal immigrants, government

acceptance of the shams like identification cards from Mexico and the

issuance of California driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants.

Jim Gilchrist doesn’t just talk the talk -- he walks the walk, and

he’s a proud citizen in Orange County.


Costa Mesa
