
Catastrophe is another worry

It’s my opinion that those shots fired from roof tops in New Orleans

were not aimed at the helicopters, but were simply trying to get

their attention, since they had passed over them several times

without seeing them.

Sometimes I think the press, or some others, are trying to cause

discourse between black and white people to stir things up and make a

bigger story of it.

I can tell you right now that all the people I talked to at church

were very upset with the way things were being handled.

Most of us gave money to send to help those people.

But some were worried that their money would not get to those who

need it most.

If we weren’t caught up in that unexplained war, we’d have the

money and resources on hand to take care of our own.

Does anyone feel safer because we’re in Iraq? Certainly not our

sons and daughters who are there.

What makes our present leaders think they know more than the Iraqi

people about how to get their country under control?

We’re not doing very well with our own right now!

My prayers are with all those who are homeless and suffering. Lord

help them to get what they need to get back on their feet again.

And give them the wisdom to empower themselves to do so.


