
Class size reduction for ninth grade classes...

Class size reduction for ninth grade classes

The board unanimously voted to approve submission of the

application to participate in the 2005/2006 Morgan Hart Class

Reduction Program to reduce class size for ninth grade English and

Algebra I classes.


The approval of the application would allow the district to

receive funds to reduce class sizes to an average of 20 students for

every certified teacher, and a maximum of 22 students in the core

subjects of English, mathematics, science or social studies. The

board routinely designates ninth grade Algebra I and English for

reduced class size. Approval would bring inestimated revenue of

$86,208 to cover the cost of reducing class sizes.

Teacher contract negotiations

The Board agreed to begin contract negotiations with the Laguna

Beach Unified Faculty Association. Teachers wish to reopen

negotiations on salary, benefits, evaluations and the school



The teachers are now in the third year of a three-year contract.

The Board will commence negotiations on another three-year contract

during the 2005-2006 school year. Teachers are seeking an “equitable”

salary increase that is competitive with comparable school districts,

and want to retain their current benefits package.

K-12 Counseling and Support Program Update

A comprehensive update, including a PowerPoint presentation, was

given on the Quest for Excellence K-12 Counseling and Support


What It Means

The district is now ready to focus on implementation of the

counseling program and insure that it dovetails with the Quest for

Excellence, Professional Learning Community and Individual Student

Portfolio’s goals, including educating the “whole child,” looking at

value added to all students and building academic and social and

emotional competence.

The next Laguna Beach Board of Education meeting will be at 7 p.m.

Aug. 23 at the District Office, 550 Blumont St. For information, call

(949) 497-7700.
