
Grateful for all the help The dust...

Grateful for all the help

The dust hasn’t quite settled, because I don’t think our house has

been demoed yet, but the time has come to give my thanks to all who

have helped me through this tragedy.

First, to my husband, Lewie, who held my hand and told me we were

all right standing on our concrete stairs watching our home


Second, to Officer Bob Vangorder and Fireman Jeff La Tendresse for

maneuvering us off that hill to safety. They will always be wearing

‘halos’ in my eyes.

Third, to my awesome daughter, Catharine, and her husband,

Stephen, who, together with contractor, Charlie Williams and his

crew, gathered together the most incredible group of furniture movers

ever heard of! Namely: Emma, Jenna, Connie, Bobby, Eloise, Merri,

Gerri, Pamela and Scott. They are forever in my heart. What they

accomplished is unbelievable.

And thanks to Joe Torres who coordinated the furniture removal and

found us four storage units at Woodbridge Storage with no charge for

one year.

And thanks to our Mayor Elizabeth Pearson-Schnieder and the

Council members and to all the people who are working so hard for us

to rebuild our lives: Bob Burnham, who has take over the job of

coordinating events to rebuild this destruction -- Steve, Todd and

Tripp, who are working with all the homeowners affected - their

dedication is so appreciated.

And thanks to my husband’s sister-in-law, for loaning us her home

in Dana Point. We are very comfortable while we decide what to do.

Others are not so fortunate, and I grieve for them.

A final “thank you” to Laguna Beach. It has been my home for 48

years. What a wonderful loving place. How I wish I could afford to

stay here!


Laguna Beach

Accountability at issue in day labor

In reference in regard to your question: Do Labor Centers Foster

Illegal Immigration?

No, they do not foster illegal immigration, but I truly question

the accountability:

* Does the City of Laguna Beach and City Council receive a report

on the number of workers and revenue ($5.00 per person) collected on

a daily or monthly basis from The Cross Cultural Task Force?

* How much revenue is received from this operation each year?

The citizens of Laguna Beach are entitled to a full accounting of

funds received from this operation and also are services given to

U.S. Citizens or personnel possessing a “Green Card.”only?


Laguna Beach

Reader: Activism masks racism

Thank you for your excellent editorial (July 22).

I suggest that rather than call these people “anti-illegal

immigrant” they be more correctly called racist vigilantes who are

using fears about the economy and terrorism as a vehicle to spread

their hatred and viciousness. They should not be legitamized with the

former label until their websites are clean of the vile racism

clearly evident only a click or two beneath the surface of their

various websites. The Ku Klux Klan began with much the same rhetoric

as these people. They are dangerous and should know the ugly emotions

they spread are not welcome here.


Laguna Beach

Centers magnets for illegal immigrants

The answer to your paper’s question last week, (Do day labor

centers foster illegal immigration?) is obvious; that is, of course,

they do. Naturally, labor centers or giveaway services or voting

booths that don’t require proof of citizenship are human magnets to

persons here illegally.

Therefore, unless our PC political leaders in charge of various

branches of law enforcement direct that immigration and related laws

be rigorously enforced, we are doomed to be overwhelmed by ever

increasing hordes of “illegals.” So, until our PC leaders demand that

the laws are enforced, it makes sense to have Day Labor Centers to

minimize the adverse impact on our communities.


Laguna Beach

Hate mongers not welcome

Day labor centers do not foster illegal immigration. They simply

deal with its consequences in a responsible manner. I have lived in

Laguna Beach for seven years and to my knowledge no one is checking

documents at the labor center to screen out legal U.S. workers. The

workers at these sites are not lining up for welfare checks, food

stamps, health care, education or any other public assistance. To the

contrary, they are lining up for a day of hard work at below

subsistence wages with no legal protections, health benefits or

retirement security.

These appalling protests against the most helpless members of our

community are reminiscent of the anti-gay protesters I have seen at

Gay Pride events. The placards they hold up carry religious overtones

that call for violence against the infidel in the name of some

perceived salvation, “DEPORT ILLEGAL ALIENS” = “Save Our State.” I

keep expecting to see a “God Hates the Undocumented!” sign.

What is so surprising to me is that with our troops dying in the

quagmire of Iraq, genocide unfolding in Sudan, AIDS decimating

Africa, Social Security and Medicare heading for a cliff, health care

costs soaring, etc... somehow “co-protest organizer and Laguna Beach

resident Eileen Garcia and her husband George Riviere” have

determined that the best use of their civil indignation is to invite

a bunch of their xenophobic friends down to our community for a good

old-fashioned hate-fest against hard working immigrants who are

striving to build a better life for themselves and their children.

They should be thankful that their ancestors were not such

small-minded bigots or they might have found themselves on the other

side of the street, looking for an honest day’s work.


Laguna Beach
