
‘Catechism II’ begins Monday

Tom Titus

Maripat Donovan has a pretty big pair of shoes to fill at the Laguna

Playhouse -- her own.

Donovan is the creator and co-author of a one-nun evening of

clerical comedy entitled “Late Nite Catechism.” For the past two

years, it’s been a staple on Monday evenings at the playhouse, only

recently ending its lengthy engagement.

During its nearly every-Monday run, “Late Nite Catechism” played

to more than 24,000 theatergoers in Laguna.

The show consists of Donovan (or one of her cohorts) dressing in a

nun’s habit and conducting comedic classes geared to tickle Catholics

and non-Catholics alike.

It was the latest salvo in a production that was born almost 13

years ago and evolved into one of the most popular one-person shows

in theater history. Over the years, “Late Nite Catechism” has

entertained audiences in 156 cities, presenting more than 38,000


Anything that popular demands a sequel, and Laguna audiences will

be treated to just that Monday night.

That’s when “Late Nite Catechism 2” arrives for a scheduled

two-month engagement of Monday nights between performances of “The

Musical of Musicals (the Musical).”

In this conception, Sister takes on the millennium in a show

subtitled “Sometimes we feel guilty because we ARE guilty.” Nothing

is sacred in Sister’s classroom -- except, of course, Sister’s


Like its predecessor, the solo performance will feature Sister

giving instruction to a roomful of “students” (the audience).

Throughout the course of the class, the benevolent instructor will

reward her charges for correct answers with glow-in-the dark rosaries

and other nifty prizes.

But if you cross her, beware. Naughty students may well find

themselves on stage sitting in a corner, reflecting on their actions.

“Late Nite Catechism 2” will be play on the following Monday

evenings: July 11, 18 and 25, Aug. 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29.

But if the show catches on the way the last one did, Sister could

very well have a full-time job in Laguna.

All performances are at 7:30 p.m. and tickets are $39. More

information may be obtained by calling the Laguna Playhouse at (949)


* TOM TITUS covers local theater for the Coastline Pilot.
