
Help for families came from Top of the World

Kerry Rubel

Top of the World PTA is wrapping up a successful year. On Thursday,

May 26, students and families enjoyed a wonderful evening of sharing

as we celebrated learning with our annual open house. Proud children

guided their parents though an impressive array of writing, artwork,

science displays, poetry, and math games. Local color artwork was

displayed in the multi-purpose room while the band played a terrific

collection of songs before the honors chorus performed some

impressive vocal music.

Recent and upcoming events include our Math Challenge awards

assembly, Bear Club reading incentive program awards party, a Gold

Rush play by fourth-graders, Pioneer Day for the fifth-graders, a

literature fest for the third grade, and multiple field trips and

performances. TOW student council is conducting a coin drive to

assist slide victims. Our next PTA meeting is at 8:30 a.m. Monday.

On the morning of June 1, many of our families were leaving home

early to make their way up to TOW for our teacher-hosted volunteer

breakfast. Unfortunately, the shock of seeing the devastation as they

drove on Bluebird Canyon Drive brought many to the breakfast with sad

news. Most of these families were evacuated that day, not having a

chance to go back to their homes after their early departure to

collect pets or even extra clothing.

The amount of phone calls at Top of the World on Wednesday was

unbelievable: People calling to offer shelter to those who were

evacuated, offers of support, concerned parents who wanted to make

sure the school was safe.

The office staff at TOW that day included Claudia Redfern, Peggy

Legault, and Tori Stalker. They were an amazing crew of professionals

who comforted, answered questions, helped people as they looked for

shelter, and passed on news of our TOW families.

Mr. Ron LaMotte was an incredible leader who wisely used the

SchoolPower-furnished call-out system to keep our TOW families

informed of the day’s events, and to give updates regarding bus-stop


Such efforts were a comfort to those who needed to know that their

children were in the best place they could be: Top of the World.

Thanks to the support of this community, families were helped that

day, and help continues for those who are displaced at this time.

