
Kettler’s metier

Lauren Vane

At a dress rehearsal last Thursday for the Kettler Elementary School

talent show, 9-year-old Nicole Andrew took the stage and performed

“Tomorrow,” from the Broadway musical, “Annie.”

Delivered with a steady smile and sparkling expression, the

fourth-grader’s voice was fearless in front of an audience of

classmates and parents.

“The sun’ll come out tomorrow ... “ Nicole sang in a

soft-but-sure voice.

With the closure of their school coming in the fall, the song

lyrics seemed to speak to the resilient attitude of the Kettler

community. Although the talent show may be a bright star when the

school community is facing a difficult future, the show would have

gone on, school closure or not.

“It’s an opportunity for kids to shine and get some recognition

for some incredible talent they have,” said Kettler PTA President

Cathy Lindsey.

The house was packed for the show, held Friday night at Kettler,

Lindsey said.

With more than 20 acts, ranging from karate to karaoke, at the

dress rehearsal Kettler students showed off their talents without an

ounce of stage fright.

“It’s just fun to see everybody clap because you did a good job,”

Nicole said.

The first act, following an opening group performance of the

Kettler Cougar theme song, was a choreographed hip-hop dance by a

team of girls, ranging in age from kindergarten to second-grade.

Awaiting their cue, the girls stood in a row in matching black

leotards and purple and blue poodle skirts. Their initial act kicked

off the show, followed by a handful of dances choreographed to

Hillary Duff and Lindsay Lohan tunes. Some children chose to recite

poetry or play the piano.

Eight-year-old Cole Fletcher performed a solo act, singing, “I’ll

Never Grow Up,” and gave the audience a glimpse at a future Broadway


“I thought it would be fun and I like to sing, and I can show off

my talent,” Cole said.

The dress rehearsal ended with a rock n’ roll performance by the

Trout family, featuring fifth-grader Jonathon Trout on vocals and his

younger brother, third-grader Michael Trout on the drums. Singing

covers of Ramones and AC/DC songs, the group rocked out to a crowd of

screaming admirers.

“They all performed like seasoned veterans, it was really

impressive,” Lindsey said.
