
1. Which restaurant is moving from Newport...

1. Which restaurant is moving from Newport Beach to Costa Mesa?

A. The Quiet Woman

B. The Arches

C. Hooters

D. Cappy’s

2. A Costa Mesa neighborhood did what this week to spruce things


A. Put out a huge “Super Bowl Sunday” sign

B. Got the city to plant trees along streets

C. Bought a small replica of the Spruce Goose

D. Applied to be on a TV renovation show

3. Costa Mesa lawyer George Cote unexpectedly found what in his


A. A meteorite

B. A huge “Super Bowl Sunday” sign

C. A small replica of the Spruce Goose

D. A Caltrans freeway sign

4. John Wayne Airport hit a new high in passenger numbers in 2004.

About how many people flew through there?

A. 7 million

B. 9.2 million

C. 10.3 million

D. 25 million

5. Officials are looking at making permanent a dredging dump site

located where?

A. Miles off the coast near the Newport Pier

B. The Rhine Channel

C. The Back Bay

D. Crystal Cove

6. Which of the following did Newport Beach Mayor Steve Bromberg

not discuss during his state of the city address Thursday night?

A. “Sphere issues”

B. The future vs. the past, with a windshield/rear view mirror


C. Newport’s adoption of a Camp Pendleton Marine battalion

D. An amendment to allow non-native citizens to run for president

7. Which duo of politicians raised the most money in their cities

last year?

A. Steve Bromberg/Gary Monahan

B. Leslie Daigle/Katrina Foley

C. Steve Rosansky/Eric Bever

D. Catherine Emmons/Linda Dixon

8. UC Irvine is vying to have what state building be built on


A. A new Capitol Building

B. A weekend retreat for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger

C. An museum dedicated to women’s history

D. A state appellate courthouse

9. Newport Beach and Costa Mesa finished 2004 with lower

unemployment rates than the rest of the country. What were the two


A. 0%, .9%

B. 1%, 1.5%

C. 1.7%, 2.3%

D. 4%, 5%

10. The new photo of Pilot columnist Peter Buffa looks like what?

A. A heck of a lot like his old one

B. Like it’s never going to appear

C. A bit too much like Brad Pitt

D. Older, wiser, funnier

ANSWERS: 1: C; 2: B; 3: D; 4: B; 5: A; 6: D; 7: C; 8: D; 9: C; 10:

