
Laguna Beach High coaching vacancies The Laguna...

Laguna Beach High coaching vacancies

The Laguna Beach High athletic departing is still conducting a

search to fill four coaching positions.

The school has coaching vacancies for varsity and junior varsity

softball, boys’ junior varsity tennis and frosh/soph boys’


The positions are open immediately.

For more information, interested parties can contact athletic

director Ron Schwartz at (949) 497-7773, or by e-mail at


Soccer club sets upcoming tryout

The Laguna Beach Soccer Club will hold tryouts for quality,

committed club level soccer players during three upcoming dates.

The tryout dates are March 5, 7, 9 and 12, and will be held at

Moulton Meadows.

The tryout is open to boys and girls who play in divisions nine

through 12.

Interested players can contact club director Andy Thomas at (949)

