
Heights better represented under Newport Beach

Regarding control and compromise over West Santa Heights (“Council to

build borders group,” Wednesday), for 34 years I’ve proudly lived in

Costa Mesa. I’m very pleased with the city and would heartily

recommend people move and live here, but I couldn’t say the same for

any properties in the Heights, and that’s not because I don’t care

for the area.

Our block-long Costa Mesa street was created by the Santa Ana

Country Club to finance its clubhouse. We were an island surrounded

by Santa Ana Heights. For schools and youth sports teams, for all

family neighborhood functions and feelings, we were and are part of

the Heights. For all our municipal needs, we had the advantage of

being Costa Mesa residents.

Since the “Great Park” election, the primary property value need

for all of Santa Ana Heights, including our street, has changed

drastically. I hear every commercial plane take off and -- depending

on the wind -- land at John Wayne, not just when I’m outside but

inside with all my now double-pane windows shut. A constant whine

begins around 5 a.m., as the engines are checked.

I cannot talk on the phone outside from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. The rest of West Santa Ana Heights has to be as bad or worse. The airport

noise defines our street and unites us with the rest of the Santa Ana

Heights. Costa Mesa has represented our 45 houses vis-a-vis the

airport but only in proportion to our percentage of their population.

I wouldn’t expect that to change if the West Heights becomes Costa

Mesa. At one time, the Board of Supervisors may have represented the

Heights with vigor by planning to build an airport at El Toro. Now

the board has to represent the transportation needs of the whole

county. West Santa Ana Heights needs to be part of one politically

viable voice.

They need to be represented by Newport Beach, where all of it’s

property values are similarly at risk until another airport is built.

Its council won’t go to sleep on this abiding issue until John Wayne

closes. I only wish our street could be included.


Costa Mesa
