
Andrea Tobing of Jakarta, Indonesia and Don...

Andrea Tobing of Jakarta, Indonesia and Don Hilliard Jr. of Newport

Beach exchanged wedding vows at Indonesian Presbyterian Church in

Jakarta on Jan. 10, 2004. The bride arrived in the United States on

Dec. 18, 2004 after receiving her visa.

The bride is the daughter of Sahat and Irena Tobing of Jakarta.

She wore a white lace gown with a traditional golden and

cream-colored sarong. She also wore a lace veil with jasmine

decorations in her hair. The maid of honor was Rama Devy.

The bridegroom is the son of Don and Anna Hilliard of Newport

Beach. The best man was S. Girsang.

The reception was held at Effatha Christian Church in Jakarta with

500 guests. The couple honeymooned in Bali, Lombok and Lembang,

Indonesia and live in Tustin. The bride is a recent graduate of

Singapore Bible College with a major in music ministry. The

bridegroom is employed at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Irvine.
