
Some concerned, some OK with shelter

I’m responding to the concerns about the animal shelter, which I do

not believe are warranted. I used to be a volunteer there and I saw

no wrong-doing on the part of the shelter or its employees. And so am

in favor of continuing the shelter in Huntington Beach.


Huntington Beach

The animal shelter on Newland Street is a wonderful place to go

and volunteer. I went there one day. You have to be there to know how

animals are. I think the city or maybe a contractor should come in

and maybe build a new one. The staff there is very wonderful and

caring and the volunteer lady is a very nice lady.


Huntington Beach

Continued concern about the animal shelter is warranted,

absolutely. These people who are volunteers that are protesting the

conditions for the animals have a lot better things to do with their

life than to protest. But what they’re doing is putting the animal’s

concerns over theirs and I just say bless their hearts for caring so

much. The animal shelter owner, his main priority is money. I’ve

taken my dog to the AAA animal shelter for at least 25 years and I

have noticed a big difference lately. I don’t let my dog get her shot

anymore unless I actually watch them give it, because I no longer

trust those people. Anyhow, you have to consider the source, the

volunteers have no ax to grind, but the owner has his own agenda to

save money.


Huntington Beach

I feel that the conditions at the shelter still need to be

improved and that truly this is an issue of life and death for these

many animals at the shelter. I think it needs to be monitored

constantly. I heard about what happened during the Thanksgiving

weekend and I do not agree that one person can take care of the

shelter and take care of all those animals in a two-hour period of

time. Continued concern should be warranted.


Huntington Beach

I spent a lot of time trying to find cats that I wanted to adopt,

cats or kittens. I went all over. I went all over looking. I went to

Long Beach, went to Petsmart, I went to rescue places and Seal Beach

shelter, various shelters. By far, the Huntington Beach one was the

worse. I couldn’t want to adopt a cat there. In fact, I didn’t even

want to go in. It smelled bad. The cages are relatively small.

They’re cold. Dogs and cats are on very cold floors. It is so

unappetizing. The conditions aren’t even suitable for somebody to

come in and have a good feeling about having a pet. I adopted

elsewhere. It’s pitiful, the Huntington Beach conditions.


Huntington Beach
