
Out with the way of the cronies

Geoff West

In his column Thursday, “Bowing to a lack of public trust,” Daily

Pilot Managing Editor S.J. Cahn observed that the Costa Mesa City

Council will soon decide to return to the old method of selecting

members for the planning and parks and recreation commissions.

He attributed that decision to a “low hum of disapproval” ever

since the council decided, early in 2003, to use the present

direct-appointment method.

Well, as one of those members of the chorus of hummers, I’m

pleased that council members were paying attention. While Cahn might

pooh-pooh the possibility of cronyism in the appointment process,

this election would have been the first real test.

With four Planning Commission seats up for grabs -- only Bill

Perkins’ position was not in jeopardy -- the appointments to that

commission would have been illuminating.

The first time appointments were made under the current system, it

produced mixed results.

Chris Steel, for example, appointed Dennis DeMaio to the Planning

Commission simply because he came from Pennsylvania! DeMaio’s

participation at the meetings was minimal when he was in attendance.

This is a perfect example of why there should be a vote of the

entire council on these positions.

I’m pleased that the council has chosen to provide the opportunity

for each commission to be staffed by a cadre of interested, competent

residents instead of well-connected campaign supporters, drinking

buddies or other hangers-on.

If, in fact, the council selects only from a pool of qualified

candidates who express interest -- including some current and past

commissioners -- I think there is a very good chance that the city

will end up with strong, competent commissions.

We, the residents of this city, deserve no less.

* GEOFF WEST is a resident of Costa Mesa.
