
“It’s nice to actually make food that’s...

“It’s nice to actually make food that’s going directly to someone in

need. I saw that there was a problem in that homeless people weren’t

able to represent themselves. We’re reaching out to the community and

being good citizens.”

-- Lauren McCue, a 20-year-old junior at UC Irvine, as she and 100

others made sandwiches for Orange County’s homeless children in

recognition of Homelessness Awareness Week at UCI.

“I slept last night. When I left him, I felt comfortable that he

was safe.”

-- Joseph Cavallo, attorney for accused rapist Greg Haidl, after

visiting the 19-year-old in jail Wednesday.

“It’s very much appreciated. I know citywide everyone needs an

adjustment, and I know the city worked very diligently with the

negotiations. And I’m just very pleased at the outcome.”

-- Jim Ellis, Costa Mesa Fire Chief, after the City Council

decided to raise city salaries, including his, by 8.8%.

“There’s a public-nuisance factor. We get a lot of complaints, and

officers make a lot of arrests of people leaving here.”

-- Mike Ginther, Costa Mesa Police sergeant, after police arrested

two people on drug charges at a Newport Boulevard motel, on the

typical problems in the areas where low-cost motels exist.

“At 43 years, I’m in very good condition. I’m 110% fit.”

-- Dennis Rodman, after signing a contract to play home games for

the American Basketball Assn.’s Orange County Crush.

“This condemns that type of barbarism. That bill may be expedited

and could be brought up in a matter of days.”

-- Dana Rohrabacher, Costa Mesa’s congressman, on a resolution he

planned to introduce condemning atrocities such as the beheading of

hostages in Iraq and the recent murder of Dutch filmmaker Theo van

Gogh by Muslim attackers.
