
Junior Girl Scout Troop 628, based out...

Junior Girl Scout Troop 628, based out of Circle View Elementary

School in Huntington Beach, passed out piggy banks to local

businesses to collect donations for “Pennies for Prevention,” a

program that supports drug-use prevention efforts in schools. The

girls participated in the project while working toward earning the

Girl Scouts’ Bronze Award for community service ... Navy Midshipman

Michael A. Mullee, who graduated from Edison High School in June,

recently completed “Plebe Summer” at the U.S. Naval Academy in

Annapolis, Md. Mullee’s orientation to the academy included training

in seamanship, navigation and marksmanship. Mullee is the son of

Huntington Beach residents Francine A. and William A. Mullee.

* NEIGHBORS is news about Huntington Beach people achieving and

doing good in the community. To submit information to this feature,

please send it to the Independent, Attn.: Neighbors, 1375 Sunflower

Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626; fax it to (714) 966-4678; or e-mail it to

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