
A tribute to Chris Abel


“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have

done for others and the world remains and is immortal.”

-- Albert Pike

“Off on the next great adventure ... “

-- Lou Reed

I have seen my fair share of self-interest and lack of compassion

for neighbors during my tenure on the Design Review Board. Elections

and development have sometimes brought out less than the best in

Laguna’s past, and more so again, this year. Poised for a little

commentary, the phone call came unexpectedly, from my friend,

Jeanine, “Chris Abel passed away this morning,” she was barely able

to tell me.

I always thought that Ib Christian Abel would live forever.

Certainly, his determination was enough for 10 men, let alone one. It

saw him through tough times, as his body began to fail him in recent

years. His love of architecture remained undiminished and his finely

crafted homes, prominently displayed throughout Laguna and beyond,

are a testimony to his genius.

I first met Chris back in the 60s, when he lived on Mountain Road.

Talented with a fierce desire to be right, he nonetheless was kind to

his adolescent neighbor. Chris would go on to chair the first Design

Review Board (and subsequently quit over his frustrations) and

popularize the “wood and glass” homes that still grace our hillsides.

Over the ensuing years, I met frequently with Chris at his


complex in upper Victoria. Even after 30 years, his office and the

adjacent residences, remain an attractive Laguna landmark. In the

midst of launching my own fledgling career, I was dumbstruck that

someone would try to grow coastal redwoods this far south. Obviously

his talents went beyond architecture, as his horticultural experiment

succeeded as well.

It was with great delight that I accepted the offer to landscape

the new Abel compound in Three Arch Bay a number of years ago. I had

been consulting with Chris, and the opportunity was quickly seized. I

will say without hesitation that he was one of the most difficult and

picky clients I have ever worked for. I loved every minute and was

proud of our collaboration.

Chris started a new family, and I began my romance with Catharine.

Our professional paths took us in different directions; however, I

enjoyed seeing Chris throughout town and at presentations during

Design Review Board hearings. He was always up for the good fight

with the board.

We renewed our friendship with my appointment to the board. I was

amazed at the heartfelt tenacity he held for his projects (they were

always his, more so than his client’s). I was summoned frequently

back to my old chair in his office, peering at models and the latest

iteration of a plan. It would not be unusual to receive a call late

at night, as he revised a plan immediately after a hearing setback.

I will miss my good friend and colleague. Chris’s next journey

takes him beyond earthly limitations. I extend my condolences to his

family, but they already know that his life was indeed, a life well

lived. See you next time.

* STEVE KAWARATANI is the owner of Landscapes by Laguna Nursery,

1278 Glenneyre, No. 49, in Laguna Beach. He is married to local

artist, Catharine Cooper, and has two cats. He can be reached at

(949) 497-2438, or e-mail to [email protected].
