
Eagles solid at Yucca Valley

Sidney Barloon placed seventh overall to lead the Estancia High girls

cross country team to a third-place finish at the Yucca Valley

invitational Thursday at the Blue Skies Golf & Country Club in Yucca


Estancia’s boys finished fourth with senior Alex Cahuantzi taking

11th overall in 17:21.

Barloon finished in 21:04 on the girls side while Eunice Rodriguez

(10th, 21:22), Paula Negrete (19th, 22:11), Okairy Lomeli (21st,

22:16), Lucy Leon (23rd, 22:18) contributed for the Eagles, who

tallied 76 points. Yucca Valley won with 37 points. Estancia’s

Carmina Rios (23:37) finished 45th.

The Eagle boys earned 106 points. Coachella Valley won with 47


Ernesto Castaneda finished 17th for the Eagles in 17:26 while

teammates Jose Garcia (24th, 17:56), Geovani Rodea (25th, 18:07) and

Hector Gomez (32nd, 18:28) added to Estancia’s performance. Alan Reza

(18:29) placed 33rd.
