
Shut up and drive safely

The first month of school is just starting, and it’s amazing how all

those old irritations come rising so quickly to the surface.

While driving by Ensign Middle School, I was almost hit by a lady

barreling around the corner, unaware of the fact that she just blew

through a stop sign. I will admit I was annoyed, so I honked my horn,

hoping to shake her out of her current state of oblivion, when there

it was, her cellphone firmly attached to her ear. Apparently the 20

minutes she had to sit idle while waiting for her little darlings to

get out of school wasn’t a good time to talk on the phone.

It is absolutely amazing to me that we just about suit our kids up

in body armor before they leave the house, yet we don’t think twice

about talking on our cellphones while driving. Most people think

they’ve got this practice down to a science; but I’ve got news for

them. I’m as guilty as the next and am making a conscience effort to

turn the phone off while I am driving.

Unfortunately, it’s gotten to the point that something very bad is

going to happen before we all hang up our phones while driving.

My point is: Leave the multi-tasking to your home and/or office

and think about the safety of yourself and others. Believe me, the

earth will not stop spinning if you take a minute to pull over and

answer that phone or make that call.


Newport Beach
