
What is the biggest issue facing the...

What is the biggest issue facing the city?

Budget and balancing the needs of the city with the needs of the


Considering such issues as the sports complex lawsuit and

improperly converted condominiums, do you agree with criticism that

the city has been mismanaged?

There have been a few mistakes made. However, I would not use the

term mismanaged.

How would you run the city better?

It is a matter of looking around. We cannot release bonds before

work is done. It would only take a drive by a project to know if it

is done.

Given that the future of the Bolsa Chica still is unclear, what is

your position on development on the upper portion of the mesa and

other environmental issues facing the city?

I would not like to see the Bolsa Chica developed, but that

portion is owned by a private developer, and it’s their land, and

they should be able to do what they want as long as it fits in with

the city’s master plan.

What direction do you think development -- such as the Strand,

Pacific City, Bella Terra and a third hotel proposed between the

Hilton Waterfront and Hyatt -- should be headed in the city?

To fund all that the city needs to fund, we need revenue

resources. The projects mentioned will generate revenue, and we

should press on while taking care to not devastate the environment.
