
Prepare, do not panic

Every dead bird strikes fear in the heart these days, and the once

simply-annoying mosquitoes and their itchy bites are viewed as the

kiss of death.

With increased cases of the West Nile virus showing up in Orange

County -- 20 human cases, 127 birds infected and one horse -- the

masses are getting nervous. Especially with it hitting so close to

home with the Orange County Vector Control reporting nine birds in

the Bolsa Chica area tested positive for the disease in August.

But while health officials want people to take precautions, they

say there is no need for widespread panic.

West Nile Virus, a disease carried by birds that can be passed on

to humans through mosquitoes, has been commonly reported in Africa,

the Middle East and Eastern Europe since the 1940s. It didn’t make

its way into the United States until 1999, likely by exotic birds

brought into the country.

Local agencies like Vector Control have been monitoring the

situation years. They have ben collecting samples, spraying for

mosquitoes and educating the public.

And the message about protecting yourself from West Nile virus

seems to be this: Use DEET and watch for any symptoms. Many worry

that using DEET is unsafe, but according to the Environmental

Protection Agency, as long as consumers follow label directions and

take proper precaution DEET won’t hurt them.

But users do have to take care. The EPA instructs: Avoid

over-application of this product. After returning indoors, wash

treated skin with soap and water. Wash treated clothing before

wearing it again. Use of this product may cause skin reactions in

rare cases.

You can check out its website if you need some convincing:



But chemicals sprayed all over your body or your kids’ bodies?


A more disturbing description of DEET is laid out online at

tips/tip_20031104165954698. If you subscribe to the

the-less-chemicals-the-better point of view, there are several

natural mosquito repellents to look into. Some are listed on



OK, so now you’ve protected yourself. But your 5-year-old has a

fever and is achy. What to do?

Most people infected with West Nile will never know. Sometimes

mild symptoms appear but go away on their own. It’s when the more

severe symptoms appear that it’s time to see the doctor.

“See the doctor if the fever lasts for more than four or five

days,” said Dr. Brian Lo, a doctor of internal medicine from South

Coast Medical Center. “Viral flu doesn’t last more than four or five


Symptoms include fever, headache, tiredness, body aches,

occasionally a skin rash on the trunk of the body and swollen lymph

glands. A more serious case could include stupor, disorientation,

coma, tremors, convulsions, muscle weakness and paralysis.

Lo also said that if a person is acting abnormal or lethargic,

they should be brought to the hospital.

Fortunately, it seems that whether you know if you’ve been

infected with West Nile, you’ll likely know that you need to see the

doctor. And like the flu, there are a set of people more susceptible

to the virus -- those who have a condition that suppress the immune

system, have had recent chemotherapy or an organ transplantation,

have HIV, are pregnant, or are elderly.

The good news is, there’s no need to live in fear. Protect

yourself and trust yourself to know if you need to give that doctor

or call.
