
Baglin speaks frankly

Barbara Diamond

About 40 Wayne Baglin supporters showed up Sunday at the home of

Catharine Cooper and Steve Kawaratani.

Again, no suggested donations.

“The last event raised more than $3,000 and we are hoping that he

exceeds that here,” Design Review Board chairman Kawaratani said.

“What’s important is the diversity of people here.” Two other members

of the review board, several former members and two members of the

task force appointed to review the review policies were among the


“Wayne is aligned with my ethics, morals and values,” Cooper said.

Baglin said he believed he could work effectively with either of

the other two candidates, incumbent Cheryl Kinsman and Jane Egly.

“I hope they feel the same about me,” Baglin said.

His goals for the new term include the development of the Village

Entrance, which he said has the backing of the community. He wants it

done without relocating the Maintenance Yard to Act V.

Baglin said Maintenance Yard functions and equipment can be fitted

into the entrance project with the exception of the street sweepers,

the city nursery and gravel and sand piles.

If the yard is moved, Baglin said, there will be no money in the

city till to develop the entrance.

Baglin also raised the issue of his smoldering relationship with

City Manager Ken Frank at the fund-raiser.

“There is no question that I think his retirement is past due,”

Baglin said. “I hope three people [council members] will tell him to


Baglin called Frank an autocrat, who he thought was a friend until

“certain indictments.”

In 2002 Baglin was indicted by the Orange County Grand Jury with

violating state conflict of interest law for elected officials. A

jury acquitted him of the charges.

However, after being sworn in the 1996 election, Baglin also

called for Frank’s ouster.

Asked about Frank’s position on the relocation, Baglin said three

council members want it, so Frank wants it.

“If three members opposed it, he would fabricate information for

that,” Baglin said.

Baglin said Frank keeps the council in the dark about the city’s

financial position on a monthly basis. He characterized city revenues

as a “slush fund to be spent by the city manager as he wishes.”

Incumbent city treasurer Laura Parisi, who is running unopposed,

said the present accounting system makes it difficult, if not

impossible, to track the city’s financial position on a monthly

basis. The listing in numerical order of all checks written for the

city that is included in the council agenda packets is not enough,

according to Parisi.

“That is why Mayor Kinsman and I have actively supported upgrading

the city’s system,” Parisi said. “My desire is to have a system that

is more informative and more accessible for residents as well as

council members.”

Baglin had one area of praise for Frank.

“Ken does his best to see the city does not get sued,” Baglin


Council members are trained not to criticize the city, according

to Baglin, and if they do, Frank steps in.

“If we get sued our words will be used in court,” Baglin said.

In the two years between the 1998 and 2000 council elections, when

Baglin was sitting on the State Regional Water Quality Control Board,

he was highly critical of the city’s water quality programs. He

continued his crusade after being elected in 2000 and chaired the

city’s Wastewater Advisory Committee.

“We have cleaned up our beaches here,” Baglin said. “I feel I have

given the council direction in that.

“If no one on the council is interested [in those issues], it will


* Contributions to ELECTION ’04 NOTEBOOK are welcomed. Write to

Barbara Diamond, P.O. Box 248, Laguna Beach, 92652; call (949)

494-4321 or fax (949) 8979.
