
Living is easy with eyes closed



standing all you see ... “

-- John Lennon/

Paul McCartney

Gazing into the gray distance, my mind drifts and dreams of “what

ifs.” A lone mockingbird serves up his panoply of song. For just a

brief moment, a question intrudes on my consciousness: How can I feel

such joy at his song and at the dancing trees in the wind when the

world is filled with its grief? Still, I cannot squelch my

appreciation of the glories of the day even as I am aware that my

experience of the moment is not shared by all. And, yes, in some way,

this saddens me, too. The contradictions abound.

I believe that what we focus on is what returns to us in our

lives. Yet, this belief does not negate the fact that we cannot

always simply “bury our heads in the sand” and hope. If changes are

to be made, then we must make them, or at least try to.

These are troubling and often confusing times -- not the first nor

the last we will ever see -- but still troubling and/or confusing to

most of us. There IS sadness, frustration, and despair throughout the

world. It is, however, not all there is. And keeping our eyes open to

it is important even as we focus on the positive.

Whether it is a war with which we do not agree, a child being

abused, an environment being trashed, or someone trampling on the

rights of another, we must seek remedy. Can we walk away from the

problems of our families, our communities, our nation, or the world

and assume it will all work itself out or hope that it will turn out

OK? I do not think we can.

Become informed. Seek advice.

Interact with your representative government and others.

Eat right. Be healthy. Be compassionate.

It is true; there is more than one way to skin a cat.

Put life into a creative context. If there is something you see

happening and you don’t like it, look at other possibilities -- the

creative ones. Take first steps. You need to believe that what you do

matters. And it does. I know we have all heard this before, but that

does not make it less true. All it takes is simple addition to figure

it out. Don’t expect that someone else will do it, whether it is

picking up that gum wrapper or telling someone about safeguarding our

tide pools or to please not hit that child again. Take


Consider where your individual life is headed. Think about what

our planet, our nation and our community are becoming. Is it the way

you would like? Is it the world you would dream up, that you would

create? Do you feel powerless to change any of it, to make a

difference, to help or hinder? With your focus on how you would like

to see the world be, find something you CAN do, even if only to take

a bag for trash with you when you walk and pick up the debris that

you can see everywhere.

Take what you can learn and, with insight and compassion, begin

with yourself to fashion a new world for the future. Spend some time

reflecting on just how you might not only improve on your own life,

but on the lives of others -- human and otherwise -- on this planet.

Instead of focusing on the negative, on sickness or death, or on

making more money to buy more things, focus some of that energy on

the larger picture. It begins with you. It begins with the first

step. Live your life in the context -- the creative context -- of the


How many times in this column have I said to just begin? To take

the first, baby steps? Well, I am saying it again. Just imagine if

each one of us, individually or in concert, take that first tentative

baby step toward creating the world of our dreams.

I cast my eyes toward the griseous, stormy sky seeking answers.

What will my first step be? And yours?

* CHERRIL DOTY is a creative living coach, writer, artist, and

walker who lives and works in Laguna Beach. To schedule a coaching

session or to comment, contact her by e-mail at [email protected] or

by phone at (949) 251-3993.
