
Emergency response volunteers needed Costa Mesa Emergency...

Emergency response volunteers needed

Costa Mesa Emergency Services is developing volunteer action teams

to introduce coordinated citywide emergency response organizations

and do emergency training. The city is looking for graduates of the

Community Emergency Response Team training and employees whose

businesses have had training courses. Also, if you would like to sign

up for an emergency training course, call (714) 754-5179.

Budget briefing set for June 16

Costa Mesa City Manager Allan Roeder and finance staff members are

conducting a budget briefing to discuss the 2004-05 proposed budget

on June 16. The meeting will focus on the proposed revenues and

appropriations recommended to the City Council. The proposed budget

totals about $109 million, including capital improvements.

The briefing will be held at 6 p.m. in conference room 1A at City

Hall, 77 Fair Drive. For more information, call (714) 754-5243.
