
TRANSITION TEAM Members of Orange County GOP...



Members of Orange County GOP Chairman Scott Baugh’s transition

team include:

* Jo Ellen Allen, vice chairman of the Orange County Republican

Party and public affairs director for Southern California Edison

* Caroline Beeson, active in several charitable and political


* Kellie Bieber, co-owner of Bieber Communications in Santa Ana,

former aide to Orange County Supervisor Chuck Smith and

then-Assemblywoman Doris Allen

* Mark Bucher, attorney, entrepreneur, Orange County Republican

Central Committee member

* Nancy E. Conrad, businesswoman, philanthropist, author, founder

of Universal SpaceWorks, an astronaut licensing company representing

20 astronauts ranging from Mercury through Shuttle

* Jennifer Cowen, district director for Rep. Ed Royce, former aide

to Assemblyman John Campbell and state Sen. Dick Ackerman

* Christine Diemer-Iger, attorney and president of a regulatory

and public affairs firm, past chairman of the Orange County Business


* Dale Dykema, board chairman and CEO of T.D. Service Financial

Corporation in Santa Ana; chairman emeritus of the Silver Circle, a

fund raising arm of the Republican Party of Orange County; former

President of the Lincoln Club

* Marcia Gilchrist, member of Orange County Republican Central

Committee and Executive Committee, former district director for Rep.

Ed Royce

* Frank P. Greinke, CEO of SC Fuels in Orange, a major distributor

of petroleum products and services in the western United States.

* Paul Hernandez, ex-officio alternate member of the Orange County

Republican Central Committee, senior director of political affairs

for the Irvine Co., former chief of staff to then-Orange County

Supervisor Todd Spitzer

* Sue Kint, president of Kint & Associates, Orange County

Republican Central Committee member

* Jack Mau, chairman of the Orange County Republican Party’s Asian

Outreach Committee, restaurateur and real estate investor

* Lupe Moreno, member and secretary of the Orange County

Republican Central Committee, healthcare specialist for Orange County

* Tracy Price, president of the Lincoln Club of Orange County,

chairman of the board of directors of Field Centrix, an Irvine-based

systems company

* Manny Padilla, chairman of the Orange County Republican Party’s

Hispanic Outreach Committee

* Adam D. Probolsky, ex-officio alternate member of the Orange

County Republican Central Committee and member of the Executive

Committee, pollster and political strategy consultant

* Emily Sanford, retired U.S Navy Captain, member of the Orange

County Republican Central Committee and Executive Committee, serving

as Sergeant-at-Arms; member of the U. S. Secretary of Veterans

Affairs’ Advisory Committee on Women Veterans

* Todd Spitzer, 71st District Assemblyman, former member of the

Orange County Board of Supervisors and Trustee of the Brea-Olinda

Unified School District

* Doug Swardstrom, director of public affairs for Fieldstead &

Company, former staff member for then-state Senate Republican Leader

Rob Hurtt.

* Mimi Walters, Laguna Niguel City Council member, Republican

candidate for the 73rd Assembly District seat, member and assistant

treasurer of the Orange County Republican Party Executive Committee

and as Assistant Treasurer

* Doug Wilson, founder and President of Next Solutions LLC, a

strategic counselor to large and medium sized businesses

* Buck Johns, developer, alternate member of the Orange County

Republican Central Committee, member of the board of directors of the

Lincoln Club
