
Bear Bear is a small 1-year-old red...


Bear is a small 1-year-old red shepherd-chow mix whose family is

not able to give him the attention and care he needs; the kids have

left for college, and his family is busy every weekend with a family

member in Los Angeles who has cancer.

Bear lives harmoniously with a cat, loves everybody and will

quickly lick anyone silly. Bear loves to watch the birds on the

telephone wire above his yard, and when they fly away, he likes to

run and chase. Bear would mix in well with another dog or be good

with family. He has a very kind and gentle spirit.

Rescue News: Last week’s 15-year-old cat Rusty with the hyper

thyroid condition was adopted by a couple in its 30s that has an

11-year-old cat that had lost his friend.

The Community Animal Network is a community-supported animal

organization linking people and pets through community action. See

other animals available for adoption at,

or stop by Russo’s pet store at Fashion Island between noon and 4

p.m. on weekends. For information, call (949) 759-3646, or write to

the Community Animal Network at P.O. Box 8662, Newport Beach, CA

