
Special school meeting scheduled The Newport-Mesa Unified...

Special school meeting scheduled

The Newport-Mesa Unified School District’s Community Advisory

Committee for Special Education Services will hold a meeting at 7

p.m. Feb. 25 at the district offices.

The committee will make the presentation, “Self Advocate, Self

Awareness Training,” to help parents of special education students

become informed on relevant issues they face. It also publishes a

handbook for parents.

Parents, teachers and community members are encouraged to attend

the meetings.

The committee functions in an advisory capacity to create

opportunities for developing home-school partnerships as parents,

school personnel and community members work together.

The meeting will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. in the board room of the

Newport-Mesa Education Center at 2985 Bear St.

Water hoses should stay off next week

The Mesa Consolidated Water District’s board of directors is

asking customers to suspend any outdoor watering from Feb. 23 to 27.

During this period, a treatment plant that supplies water to most

South Orange County cities will be shut down in order to perform

seismic upgrades.

Although the district isn’t dependent on the plant that’s being

shut down, officials said it’s important that the district help out

with the conservation effort. For more information, call the district

at (949) 631-1205.
