
Councilwoman takes 60-day leave

Deirdre Newman

Councilwoman Libby Cowan announced Thursday she would be taking a

60-day leave of absence, effective immediately, to care for her

ailing mother.

In a memo to her colleagues, Cowan said she needs the time off to

support her father in taking care of her mother. Her partner,

Rebecca, lost her mother on Tuesday.

Her seat will remain empty in her absence.

Cowan said she carefully considered the decision, but ultimately

decided that her family took precedence. Her mom has congestive heart

failure and diabetes, Cowan said.

“It actually was a really difficult decision, and I know there are

folks out there who are dependent on me for my care and understanding

of their issues, but I have to take care of family,” Cowan said.

“It’s always been a very important thing to me. It’s a tough

decision, but in my mind and heart, it’s the right decision.”

Councilman Mike Scheafer said he sympathized with Cowan’s

situation and respected her decision.

“I hope everything works out well for Libby,” Scheafer said. “I

give her a lot of credit. That’s a tough decision. Family has to come

first, and I applaud her for what she’s doing.”

Scheafer said it was premature to guess how her absence would

affect the council in the next two months

“I think it’s too early to tell,” Scheafer said. “There’s now the

chance for some split votes, but I think all of us realize that we

need to do what’s best for the city. We’re going to have to carry on

business like we need to carry it on.”

The last time the council had only four members was after former

mayor Karen Robinson left last March to become a Superior Court

judge. The council had a vacancy for two months, until Scheafer was

appointed in May.
