
Skate park developers garner resident insight

Deirdre Newman

Parking and traffic are the main concerns Mesa del Mar residents have

about the skate park planned for TeWinkle Park.

A community forum on Wednesday allowed these residents and other

interested parties to share their concerns about the park. The 30

community members who attended also got a chance to select which

design they preferred.

The majority favored a concept that used elements of the defunct

proposal for the Charle-Hamilton skate park in a way that meshed with

the site at TeWinkle, said Steve Rose, principal partner of Purkiss

Rose-RSI, the company designing the park.

While some of the Mesa del Mar residents said they favored the

concept of the park, they wanted the city to take action to alleviate

their traffic concerns.

“I think you did a great job -- I think [the preferred concept] is

perfect,” Lisa Reedy said. “I’m just concerned about traffic. We need

a light at Junipero and Arlington.”

The city approved the TeWinkle skate park in October despite

objections from some Mesa del Mar residents and competition from the

bark park, which is right next to it and wanted to expand.

Rose used the forum to present certain architectural features and

effects the park would have on the neighborhood. The entrance will be

at Arlington Drive. No trees will be taken out, and there will be a

permanent restroom that can be used by the Bark Park patrons as well.

Additional concerns raised Wednesday involved supervision of the

park, the effect of the park on housing prices and skateboarder


Paul Schmitt, one of the lead proponents for a skate park, tried

to allay fears about skaters’ bad behavior.

“People that are jerks are jerks whether they’re on a skateboard

or playing golf,” Schmitt said. “Skaters pretty much police those

people out. Costa Mesa skaters have been waiting 10 years for a skate


Parks and Recreation Commissioner Mark Harris said the forum was

helpful in identifying concerns, which would be addressed.

“I’m sure [staff members] are going to do all the necessary things

to make it safe and accommodating for all the user groups involved,”

Harris said.

The design of the skate park is expected to be considered by the

Parks and Recreation Commission in March, Public Services Director

Bill Morris said.
