
Exploring the highs and lows

Tom Titus

For more than four decades, Neil Simon has been cranking out plays --

mostly comedies and most of them hits -- at the rate of about one per


Next week, Huntington Beach Playhouse audiences will get the first

look locally at one of Simon’s latest works, “Proposals.”

“‘Proposals’ is a bit different than what we are used to from Neil

Simon,” director James Gruessing said.

For one thing, the setting isn’t New York, but a more rural,

decidedly un-Simon locale.

“Set in the late 1950s, ‘Proposals’ tells the tale of the Heinz

family, who retreat every summer to their summer home in the Pocono

Mountains,” Gruessing said. “This one summer in particular is the

most special.

“The stories weave as the three main characters talk about losing

love, finding love and rekindling those old romances.”

The house belongs to Burt Hines, who is spending the summer, as

usual, with his daughter Josie and a devoted maid, Clemma. Between

the three of them, they manage to drag in ex-Mrs. Hines, now Annie

Robbins, Ken (Josie’s ex-fiance), Ray (Ken’s blood brother with whom

Josie is in love with), Vinnie (a gangster-like acquaintance of

Josie), Sammii (Ken’s dim-witted girlfriend) and finally Lewis

(Clemma’s husband who left seven years ago).

Got all that? It does sound like a handful of plots to be dealt

with in a few hours. In the end, however, “Proposals” also is about

second chances, mistakes, forgiveness and amazing grace (which is

sung). Proposals are broken, rekindled and some made for the first


“It’s funny and heartwarming,” Gruessing said. “The play is great

for young and old alike.”

The Huntington Beach cast, comprised mostly of newcomers to the

playhouse, consists of Selma Pinkard (Clemma), John Briganti (Burt),

AmyJo Steele (Josie), Annie Mezzacappa (Annie), David Ruseicki

(Kenny), Justin Bowler (Ray), Ed Dyer (Vinnie), Louis Hale (Lewis)

and Kate Luhr (Sammii).

Opening night is Feb. 20, with performances running Thursdays

through Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 7 p.m., with matinees

Saturdays at 3 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m.

“Proposals” will unfold at the Huntington Beach Central Library

Theater, 7111 Talbert Ave., Huntington Beach. Call (714) 375-0696 for ticket information.

* TOM TITUS reviews local theater for the Independent.
