
Greenlight’s influence must be dimmed In response...

Greenlight’s influence

must be dimmed

In response to the “Tightening the Measure S loopholes” commentary

that appeared Wednesday, I would like to point out to Rick Taylor and

Phil Arst that the rights of the voters have not been taken away.

To the contrary, we are getting a chance to have a say in the

Marinapark Hotel project. The proponent of any project has the option

of asking the City Council to place their proposal on the ballot and

go straight to the voters. Isn’t this what Greenlight wants? Or would

they prefer to make all the decisions in the city?

First, the Greenlight group didn’t trust our city officials to

make decisions on certain projects in the city -- obtusely defined by

the Greenlight Measure according to traffic, square-footage or

dwelling units, which is now an ordinance -- and now it appears as if

they are upset that the voters are going to get to decide.

Instead of writing commentaries about loopholes, why don’t they

offer their opinions on the project before the people? Of course they

aren’t experts on planning or projects, just their beloved


To the Greenlighters of Newport I say, you are getting what you

want and the City Council is not attempting “to evade the will of the

voters.” Every concerned Newport Beach resident is getting “the right

to vote on the level of development and traffic congestion in this

premier city.”

Step aside Greenlight. Quit wasting money on frivolous lawsuits

and let the voters speak.


Balboa Island

Screamers needed in

today’s political climate

It is serendipity that the Bell Curve article, “Hearing just a

shout of frustration,” regarding the Howard Dean scream was published

the same day that Good Morning America actually demonstrated its

content to be true.

The broadcasters on the national morning show said that most

people in the room couldn’t even hear the scream because of the

noise. And that the microphone Dean was using is one that blocks out

the background noise for the cameras so that people watching TV can

hear over the noise -- thus making the sound out of proportion to

what it was in reality. It was the same kind of microphone that Good

Morning America uses and the show gave a demonstration.

I, personally, would like to hear Dean scream loud and clear to

Vice President Dick Cheney and President George Bush about their

behavior regarding Iraq, Cheney’s energy ties and his ties to the

Supreme Court while he is about to have a case heard there. In fact,

Dean is the only candidate that can stand up to those two and their

legion of friends now being indicted for causing the pensions of many

people to evaporate. I think we need a screamer to be heard.


Costa Mesa

Inspiration Point is not

right place for monument

I was reviewing what’s been said in the letters, so far about

Inspiration Point. I think all that’s really left, is for someone to

write a simple letter saying the following:

In response to Steve Simon’s letter to the editor on Sunday

titled, “Finding a porpoise-full monument;” Just because the Corona

del Mar Committee started too late, and they are now under the gun in

terms of time, is no reason to try to push through the wrong thing in

the wrong place.

Trying to get approval after only a handful of people (including

just one small, local artist) have made a decision for an entire

community, is a serious example of the age-old adage “putting the

cart before the horse.”

We need to save Inspiration Point.


Corona del Mar
